Journal Attorney – Kris Mayes was elected Attorney General of Arizona on November 8, 2022.
Mayes studied political science and journalism at Arizona State University. After graduating from ASU, she worked as a reporter for the Phoenix Gazette and Arizona Republic.
She earned her law degree from ASU and a Master’s in Public Administration from Columbia University in New York.
In 2002, Mayes joined Janet Napolitano’s gubernatorial campaign as press secretary and took a senior position in Napolitano’s administration in 2003. Later that year, Governor Napolitano appointed her to the Corporation Commission.
Since 2010, she has been a senior sustainability scientist at ASU’s School of Global Sustainability and teaches an energy law course at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.
Kris Mayes Address, Phone Number and Website:
Kris Mayes is a prominent figure in Arizona politics, having served as the state’s Attorney General. She is known for her dedication to upholding the law and fighting for justice for all Arizonans. Mayes has a strong track record of prosecuting criminals and protecting the rights of victims. She is also a fierce advocate for civil rights and has worked tirelessly to ensure that every citizen is treated fairly under the law. Mayes’ reputation as a tough, fair, and impartial attorney general has earned her the respect of her peers and the public alike. She continues to be a force for good in Arizona’s legal system, fighting for the rights of all citizens and working to make the state a safer place for everyone.